- Vogt, J. (2024). A Comprehensive Framework for Understanding Urban Forests as Social-Ecological Systems. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 50(6), 427-469.
- Luchauer G, Freeman-Day S, Fischer BC. (2023). Urban Stream Corridors and Forest Patches – The Connections: A Case Study of Bloomington, IN. Sustainability 15(10)- Special Issue - Forward Thinking Urban Forest Management for Sustainable Cities.
- Fischer BC (2023). A New Frontier for Arborists – Urban Silviculture. Hoosier Arborist. Spring 2023.
- Hagedorn M (2023) Redlining’s Impacts on Changes in NDVI Over Time in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Unpublished GIS Class Paper, IUB O’Neill School.
- Freeman-Day S. & Fischer, B. C. (2022). Indiana University’s Woodland Campus: A case study of urban forest patch sustainability.Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 48(2).
- Fischer BC. (2021). How one looks and thinks about forests is important. Sycamore Land Trust Newsletter, The Twig- The Trees Issue (Fall), pages 25-27.
- Cheng Y, Farmer JR, Dickinson SL, Robeson Sm, Fischer BC, Reynolds HL. (2021). Climate change impacts and urban green space adaptation efforts: Evidence from U.S. municipal parks and recreation departments. Urban Climate. 39. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100962.
- Fischer BC, Vogt JM, Moxley D, Freeman-Day S, DeVoe C, Hummel L. (2021). Addressing Sustainability for Indiana’s Urban Forests and Municipal Urban Forestry Programs. Hoosier Arborist. Spring 2021. Pages 18-19.
- Freeman-Day S, Moxley D, Fischer BC, Vogt J, Devoe C, Hummel L. (2021). How are Indiana Municipalities Addressing Urban Forest Sustainability- their programs and urban forests? Hoosier Arborist. Summer 2021. Pages 18-19.
- Reynolds HL, Mincey SK, Montoya RD, Hamlin S, Sullivan A, Thapa B, Wilson J, Rosing H, Jarzen J, and Grove M. (16 December, 2021). Green infrastructure for urban resilience: A trait-based framework. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. DOI: 10.1002/fee.2446
- Moxley DJ, Fischer BC. (2020) Exploring the ecological legacy of redlining maps used by the Home Owner's Loan Corporation in Indianapolis: 80 years later.Journal of Public and Environmental Affairs. 1(1). 8 pages.
- Roman L. A., van Doorn N.S., McPherson E. G., Scharenbroch B.C., Henning J.G.,Ӧstberg J.P.A., Mueller L.S., Koeser A.K., Mills J.R., Hallett R.A., Sanders J.E.,Battles J.J., Boyer D.J., Fristensky J.P. Mincey S.K., Peper, P.J., Vogt, J. (2020). Urban tree monitoring: a field guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-194. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 48 p.
- Schmitt-Harsh M.L., Mincey S.K. (2020). Operationalizing the social-ecological system framework to assess residential forest structure: a case study in Bloomington, Indiana. Ecology and Society. 25(2): Art.14.
- van Doorn N.S., Roman, L.A., McPherson E. G., Scharenbroch B.C., Henning J. G., Östberg J.P.A., Mueller, L.S.,Koeser A.K., Mills J. R., Hallet R. A.,Sanders J.E., Battles J.J, Boyer D.J., Fristensky J.P., Mincey S.K., Peper P. J., Vogt J.M. (2020). Urban tree monitoring: a resource guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-266. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 132 p.
- Vogt, J. (2020a). Urban Forests: Biophysical Features and Benefits. In Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes (pp. 1–10).
- Vogt, J. (2020b). Urban Forests as Social-Ecological Systems. In Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. (pp. 1-13).
- Vogt J., Abood M. (2020). A transdisciplinary, mixed methods research agenda for evaluating the collective impact approach for tree planting: The CommuniTree intiative in northwest Indiana, U.S. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 53(126735).11 pages. Paper available here
- Hilbert DR, Roman LA, Koeser AK, Vogt J, van Doorn NS. (2019) Urban tree mortality: A literature review. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry. 25(5): 167-200.
- Reynolds HL, Brandt L, Fischer BC, Hardiman BS, Moxley DJ, Sandweiss E, Speer J, Fei S. (2019) Implications of climate change for managing urban green infrastructure in Indiana.Climatic Change.
- Gerrish E, Watkins SL. (2018). The relationship between urban forests and income: a meta-analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning. 170: 293-308.
- Hauer RJ, Timilsina N, Vogt J, Fischer BC, Wirtz Z, Peterson W. (2018). A volunteer and partnership baseline for municipal forestry activity in the United States. A&UF, 44(2):87-100.
- Reynolds H, Brandt L, Widhalm M, Fei S, Fischer BC, Hardiman B, Moxley DJ, Sandweiss E, Speer J, Dukes JS. (2018). Maintaining Indiana's Urban Greenspaces: A Report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment. Purdue Climate Change Research Center. Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana. 9 pages.
- Roman LA, Pearsall H, Eisenman TS, Conway TM, Fahey RT, Landry S, Vogt J, van Doorn NS, Grove JM, Locke DH, Bardekjian AC, Battles JJ, Cadenasso ML, van den Bosch CCK, Avolio M, Berland A, Jenerette GD, Mincey SK, Pataki DE, Staudhammer C. (2018). Human and biophysical legacies shape contemporary urban forests: A literature synthesis. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 31:157-168.
- Vogt J. (2018). "Ships that pass in the night": does scholarship on the social benefits of urban greening have a disciplinary cross-talk problem?Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 32: 195-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.03.010.
- Watkins SL, Gerrish E. (2018). The relationship between urban forests and race: a meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 209(2018) 152-168.
- Watkins SL, Vogt JM, Mincey SK, Fischer BC, Bergmann RA, Widney SE, Westphal L, Sweeney S. (2018). Does collaborative tree planting between nonprofit groups improve neighborhood community capacity?Cities. 74: 83-99. DOI 10: 1016/j.cities.2017.11.006.
- Fischer BC. (2017). "Defining urban ecology and the connection to urban forestry." Hoosier Arborist Newsletter (Winter 2017) 14-15.
- Moxley, DJ. (2017) Exploring the ecological legacy of redlining maps used by the Home Owner's Loan Corporation in Indianapolis: 80 years later. IUB IPEIEIS Research Exhibition and Awards Conference, April 26, 2018, poster paper.
- Nguyen V.D., L.A. Roman, D.H. Locke, S.K. Mincey, J.R. Sanders, E. Smith Fichman, M. Duran-Mitchell, S. Lumban Tobing (2017). "Branching out to residential lands: Missions and strategies of five tree distribution programs in the U.S."Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 22(2017) 24-35.
- Roberts JR, Moxley DJ, Blumenthal N, Fischer BC (2017). "Bridging the Gap Between Urban Ecology and Urban Forest Management." Hoosier Arborist, Summer 2017.
- Roberts JR, Moxley DJ, Blumenthal N, Fischer BC (2017). "The great urban disconnect between ecologists and foresters." Hoosier Arborist Newsletter (Spring 2017) 10.
- Roman LA, Nguyen Vi D, Locke DH, Mincey SK, Sanders JR, Fichman ES, Duran-Mitchell M, Tobing SL. (2017). Best Practices for Yard-Tree Distribution Programs. Arborist News 26(5): 30-35.
- Vogt J. (2017). Urban forests in the Anthropocene: The responsibility of urban forestry in meeting global sustainability challenges. In: Ning DH, Nowak D, Watson G, Abdollahi K, He X, Wei C (eds.). Urban Forest Sustainability: Proceedings of the Urban Forests and Sustainability International Symposium, International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign Illinois USA. pp. 330-353.
- Vogt JM, Fischer BC. (2017). A protocol for citizen science monitoring of urban trees. In: Blum J (ed.), Urban Forests: Ecosystem Services and Management, Apple Academic Press, p. 153-186.
- Vogt J, Hauer R. (2017). Sustainability Science for Urban Foresters and Arborists. Arborist News 26(4): 28-34.
- Watkins, S. L., Mincey, S. K., Vogt, J., & Sweeney, S. P. (2017). Is Planting Equitable? An Examination of the Spatial Distribution of Nonprofit Urban Tree-Planting Programs by Canopy Cover, Income, Race, and Ethnicity. Environment and Behavior 49(4), 0013916516636423.
- Koeser AK, Vogt J, Northrop RJ, Hauer RJ, Peterson W. (2016). The cost of not maintaining trees: Findings from an international symposium and summit. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 42(6): 377-388.
- Widney S, Fischer BC, Vogt J. (2016). Tree mortality undercuts ability of tree-planting programs to provide benefits. Forests 7(3)(65), 21p (Special Issue - Urban and Peri-urban Forest Diversity and Ecosystem Services) doi: 10.3390/f7030065.
- Hauer, R., J.M. Vogt, and B.C. Fischer 2015. “Growing arboriculture and urban forestry: One student at a time.”Arborist News, 24(5): 68-71.
- Hauer, R.J., J.M. Vogt, and B.C. Fischer 2015. “What is the cost of not maintaining the urban forest?”Arborist News, 24(1): 12-17.
- Vogt, J.M., B.C. Fischer, and R.J. Hauer 2015. “Urban forestry and arboriculture as interdisciplinary environmental science: Importance and incorporation of other disciplines.”Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, in press DOI: 10.1007/s13412-015-0309-x.
- Vogt, J.M., R.J. Hauer, & B.C. Fischer. (2015). “The costs of maintaining and not maintaining the urban forest: A review of the urban forestry and arboriculture literature.”Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 41(6): 293-323.
- Vogt J.M, S.L. Watkins, S.K. Mincey, M. Patterson, and B.C. Fischer. 2015. “Explaining planted-tree survival and growth in urban neighborhoods: A study of recently-planted trees in Indianapolis.”Landscape & Urban Planning, 136: 130-143. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.11.021.
- Vogt J. M., S.L. Watkins, S. Widney, and B.C. Fischer 2015. “Comparing trees across cities and over time: The need to standardize at-planting data.”Arborist News, 24(6): 27-31.
- Vogt J.M. 2015. “Trees and People: Outcomes of Neighborhood and Nonprofit Tree Planting.”Urban Tree Growth & Longevity Newsletter, April.
- Vogt JM, Watkins SL, Widney SE, Fischer BC. (2015). The need to standardize at-planting data. Arborist News, December 2015.
- Vogt JM, Epstein G, Mincey SK, Fischer BC, McCord P. (2015). Putting the "E" in SES: Unpacking the ecology in the social-ecological systems framework. Ecology & Society 20(1): 55.
- Widney S., B.C. Fischer, S.K. Mincey, J.M. Vogt, S.L. Watkins, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. “Forest ReLeaf of Missouri Planted Tree Re-Inventory Report: Survival, Condition, and Benefits of Recently Planted Trees.” Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Urban Forest Research Group at the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change, Indiana University. 15 pp. (See brochure.)
- Widney S., B.C. Fischer, S.K. Mincey, J.M. Vogt, S.L. Watkins, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. “The Greening of Detroit Planted Tree Re-Inventory Report: Survival, Condition, and Benefits of Recently Planted Trees.” Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Urban Forest Research Group at the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change, Indiana University. 15 pp. (See brochure.)
- Widney S., B.C. Fischer, S.K. Mincey, J.M. Vogt, S.L. Watkins, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. “Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Planted Tree Re-Inventory Report: Survival, Condition, and Benefits of Recently Planted Trees.” Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Urban Forest Research Group at the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change, Indiana University. 16 pp. (See brochure.)
- Widney S., B.C. Fischer, S.K. Mincey, J.M. Vogt, S.L. Watkins, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. “Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Planted Tree Re-Inventory Report: Survival, Condition, and Benefits of Recently Planted Trees.” Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Urban Forest Research Group at the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change, Indiana University. 16 pp. (See brochure.)
- Widney S., B.C. Fischer, S.K. Mincey, J.M. Vogt, S.L. Watkins, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. “Trees Atlanta Planted Tree Re-Inventory Report: Survival, Condition, and Benefits of Recently Planted Trees.” Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Urban Forest Research Group at the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change, Indiana University. 16 pp. (See brochure.)
- Mincey, S.K., and J.M. Vogt. 2014. “Watering strategy, collective action, and neighborhood-planted trees: An Indianapolis case study.”Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 40(2): 84-95.
- Vogt, J.M. and B.C. Fischer 2014. “A protocol for citizen science monitoring of urban trees.”Cities and the Environment, 7(2):4.
- Vogt J.M., S.K. Mincey, B.C. Fischer, and M. Patterson. 2014. “Planted Tree Re-Inventory Protocol.” Version 1.1. Bloomington, IN: Bloomington Urban Forest Research Group at the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change, Indiana University.
- Mincey, S.K., M. Hutten, B.C. Fischer, T.P. Evans, S.I. Stewart, and J.M. Vogt. 2013. “Structuring Institutional Analysis for Urban Ecosystems: A Key to Sustainable Urban Forest Management.”Urban Ecosystems 16(3):553–571.
- Mincey, S.K., M. Schmitt-Harsh, and R. Thurau. 2013. “Zoning, Land Use, and Urban Tree Canopy Cover: The Importance of Scale.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12(2):191–199.
- Schmitt-Harsh, M., S.K. Mincey, M. Patterson, B.C. Fischer, and T.P. Evans. 2013. “Private residential urban forest structure and carbon storage in a moderate-sized urban area in the Midwest, United States.”Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
- Fischer, B.C., K. McClain, S.K. Mincey, N. Myers, and J.M. Vogt. 2012. “City of Bloomington Public Tree Inventory - 2012.” 18 pp. See a PDF of the presentation given at the February 26, 2013 Parks Board meeting.
- Vogt, J.M., and B.C. Fischer. 2012. “Exploring the relationship between the urban forestry and community sustainability programs of Tree City USA municipalities in Indiana.” Bloomington Urban Forestry Research Group White Paper, November 2012.
- Mincey, S.K., and B.C. Fischer. 2009. “The Woodland Campus: A Historic Walking Tour of Indiana University-Bloomington.” IUB School of Public and Environmental Affairs publication (1st edition), 20 pp.
- Fischer, B.C., M. Steinhoff, S.K. Mincey, and L. Dye. 2007. “The 2007 Bloomington Street Tree Report: An Analysis of Demographics and Ecosystem Services.”Bloomington Urban Forestry Report 01-07. 30 pp.
Conference Proceedings
- Freeman-Day S, Luchauer G, Fischer BC, Sinha R, Gore A. Urban forested patches in Bloomington, Indiana- Analyzing sustainability over time. Indiana Academy of Science Annual Meeting. March 26.
- Luchauer G, Freeman-Day S, Fischer BC. Urban stream corridors and forest patches- The connections: A case study of Bloomington, IN. Indiana Academy of Science Annual Meeting. March 26.
- Tauscher C, Flint A, Begley M, Mincey S, Freeman-Day S. Don't leaf it to chance: Adopt or update your Tree Ordinance. Aim e-Workshop for City and Town Managers. August 19.
- Freeman-Day S, Fischer BC. (2021) Indiana University's Woodland Campus: A case study in urban forest patch sustainability. Indiana Academy of Science Annual Meeting. March 20.
- Liu, J, Unnikrishnan H, Nordman E, Fischer BC. (2020) A conceptual framework for research on property rights of urban natural resources and sustainability. International Seminar on Environment and Society- Current challenges and pathways to change. March 2-3, Lisbon.
- Fischer, BC. (2019) Teaching Urban Forestry Management at a Non-Forestry School: An opportunity to expand the profession. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Educators' Symposium and Summit, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL.
- Freeman-Day S, Fischer BC, Devoe CB, Moxley DJ. 2019. Active Indiana municipal urban forestry programs: How are they addressing sustainability/environmental change? Indiana Academy of Science 134th Proceedings, pp 88-89.
Moxley DJ, Fischer BC, 2019. Historic HOLC Redlining in Indianapolis and the Legacy of Environmental Impacts: A research model of other redlined Indiana cities. Indiana Academy of Science 134th Proceedings. p 88.
Freeman-Day S, Fischer BC. 2018. Forested Watersheds and Urban Forest Patch Connectivity in Bloomington IN. USFS Urban Forested Watersheds Adapation Planning and Practices Online Course, Final Presentation, December 2018.
- Fischer BC, Moxley DV. 2017 . Preparing Indiana Urban Forests for Environmental Change. USFS Urban Forests Adaptation Planning and Practices Online Course, Final Presentation, January 2018.
- Fischer, BC. 2017. Connecting a Non-Forestry School Urban Forestry Course to Urban Greening Nonprofits (UGNP’s) or How Can UGNP’s Find Student Interns, FT Employees and Case Study Partners at Non-Forestry Schools? Alliance for Community Trees Conference, Tulsa OK.
- Fischer BC 2017. The Great Urban Disconnect Between Ecologists and Foresters. Urban Forestry Partners Conference, Tulsa OK.
- Vogt, J.M., S.K. Mincey S.K., S. L. Watkins, B. C. Fischer, S. Widney, R. Bergmann, L. Westphal, and S. Sweeney. 2015. Neighborhood and nonprofit urban forestry: Results of a 5-city study. International Society of Arboriculture 2015 Annual Conference and Trade Show, August 8-12, 2015, Orlando, Florida. (Vogt & Watkins Presenting)
- Widney, S.E., J.M. Vogt, and B.C. Fischer. 2015. Estimating current and future benefits of recently planted trees with i-Tree Streets: Successes, challenges, and lessons learned. International Society of Arboriculture 2015 Annual Conference and Trade Show, August 8-12, 2015, Orlando, Florida. (Widney presenting)
- Vogt, J.M., B.C. Fischer, and R.J. Hauer. 2015. The challenging and rewarding relationship between urban forestry and interdisciplinary environmental studies programs. Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences 2015 Conference: Confronting Frontiers, Borders, and Boundaries, June 24-27, 2015, San Diego, California. (Vogt presented)
- Mincey, S.K., J.M. Vogt, S.L. Watkins, B.C. Fischer, S. Widney, R. Bergmann, L. Westphal, and S. Sweeney. 2015. Neighborhood and nonprofit urban forestry: Results of a 5-city study. Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences 2015 Conference: Confronting Frontiers, Borders, and Boundaries, June 24-27, 2015, San Diego, California. (Mincey presented)
- Vogt, J.M. 2015. Neighborhood and nonprofit urban forestry: Results of a 5-city study. Future Earth 2015 Young Scientists Networking Conference, May 24-30, 2015, Villa Vigoni, Italy. (Poster; Vogt presented)
- Vogt, J.M., S.E. Widney, S.L. Watkins, S.K. Mincey, B.C. Fischer, R. Bergmann S. Sweeney, and L. Westphal. 2015. Tree survival in social-ecological systems: Results of a 5-city study. Association of American Geographers 2015 Annual Meeting, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, Illinois. (Vogt presented)
- Watkins, S.L., S.K. Mincey, S. Sweeney, J.M. Vogt, S.E. Widney, B.C. Fischer, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. The distributional results of current land-use decisions: Might nonprofit street tree plantings reduce disparity in urban canopy cover? Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, Illinois. (Watkins presented)
- Watkins, S.L., S.K. Mincey, S. Sweeney, J.M. Vogt, S.E. Widney, B.C. Fischer, R. Bergmann, and L. Westphal. 2015. Do nonprofit street tree plantings reduce neighborhood disparity in urban canopy cover? Association of SPEA Ph.D. Students Conference, April 17, 2015, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. (Watkins presented)
- Fischer, B.C., S.E. Widney, J.M. Vogt, and J.R. Farmer. 2015. The roles of environmental nonprofits in delivering tree planting and lake monitoring services for government agencies. Advancing the Field(s) of Nonprofit Management: New Structures, New Solutions, April 16-18, 2015, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. (Fischer presented)
- Watkins, S.L. 2015. The public good nature of the urban forest and implications for management. Workshop Colloquia presentation at The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, April 8, Bloomington, Indiana. (Watkins presented)
- Vogt, J.M. 2015. Social Benefits of Greening: Urban Forestry in the Anthropocene. Canopy Connections: Urban Forests for Public Good, symposium organized by Casey Trees, March 25, 2015, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, D.C. (Invited speaker - Vogt presented)
- Widney, S.E., J.M. Vogt, and B.C. Fischer. 2015. Survival, growth rates, and benefits of recently planted urban trees. Indiana Academy of Science 130th Annual Meeting, March 21, 2015, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Widney presented)
- Vogt, J.M. 2015. The Costs of Not Maintaining Trees Literature Review. The Costs of Not Maintaining Trees: A Research Symposium, March 18-19, 2015, Patel College of Global Sustainability, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. (Invited keynote address - Vogt presented)
- Vogt, J.M., and B.C. Fischer. 2014. Trees and people: A comparative assessment of five non-profit tree planting programs. 2014 Partners in Community Forestry Conference, November 5-6, 2014, Charlotte, North Carolina. (Vogt Presenting)
- Watkins, S.L., J.M. Vogt, S.K. Mincey, B.C. Fischer, R.A. Bergmann, S.E. Widney, L. Westphal, and S. Sweeney. 2014. Examining the relationship between collective action and collective efficacy of neighborhood residents: Do neighborhood street tree plantings yield social benefits? Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Conference, November 6-8, 2014, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Watkins presented)
- Fischer, B.C., and J.M. Vogt. 2014. Trees and people: Assessing urban greening organizations’ neighborhood tree planting program outcomes – An interactive session with researchers. Alliance for Community Trees (ACTrees) Day at the 2014 Partners in Community Forestry Conference, November 4, 2014, Charlotte, North Carolina. (Fischer & Vogt presented)
- Watkins, S.L., J.M. Vogt, S.K. Mincey, B.C. Fischer, R.A. Bergmann, S.E. Widney, L. Westphal, and S. Sweeney. 2014. Does participation in nonprofit urban tree-planting programs improve neighborhoods? Examining the impact of collective action on neighborhood residents. International Union of Forest Resource Organizations World Conference, October 5-11, 2014, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Poster; Watkins presented)
- Watkins, S.L., J.M. Vogt, S.K. Mincey, B.C. Fischer, R.A. Bergmann, S.E. Widney, L. Westphal, and S. Sweeney. 2014. Does participation in nonprofit urban tree-planting programs improve neighborhoods? Examining the impact of collective action on neighborhood residents. Arboriculture Research and Education Academy (AREA) Student Presentations. International Society of Arboriculture 2014 Annual International Conference and Trade Show, August 2-6, 2014, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Watkins presented)
- Bergmann, R.A., S.L. Watkins, J.M. Vogt, S.K. Mincey, B.C. Fischer, S.E. Widney, L. Westphal, and S. Sweeney. 2014. Tree survival in urban neighborhoods: Examining the role of community knowledge. Arboriculture Research and Education Academy (AREA) Student Presentations. International Society of Arboriculture 2014 Annual International Conference and Trade Show, August 2-6, 2014, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Bergmann presented)
- Vogt, J.M., S.L. Watkins, S.K. Mincey, M.S. Patterson, and B.C. Fischer. 2014. Explaining planted-tree survival and growth in urban neighborhoods using a social-ecological systems perspective: A study of recently-planted trees in Indianapolis (United States). International Society of Arboriculture 2014 Annual International Conference and Trade Show, August 2-6, 2014, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Vogt presented; part of the symposium entitled “Urban Forestry through the Lens of Tree Growth and Longevity”)
- Widney, S.E., J.M. Vogt, M. Patterson, R. Bergmann, S.K. Mincey, and B.C. Fischer. 2014. Is the Urban Site Index (USI) a good predictor of growth rate or condition of recently planted trees? International Society of Arboriculture 2014 Annual International Conference and Trade Show, August 2-6, 2014, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Poster; Widney presented)
- Vogt, J.M., R.J. Hauer, and B.C. Fischer 2014. The Costs of Not Caring for Trees. Minnesota Shade Tree Short Course, March 18-19, 2014, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Invited talk - Vogt presented)
- Fischer, B.C. Growing Partnerships through Tree Campus USA. Partners in Community Forestry National Conference, November 14-15, 2012, Sacramento, California. (Presentation)
- Coleoni, C.M., L.A. Bradford, and S. L. Watkins. 2013. Analysis of the Urban Forest Condition in Bloomington, Indiana, and a Protocol to Update Bloomington's Street Tree Inventory of 2007. International Society of Arboriculture 89th Annual International Conference & Trade Show, August 3-7, 2013, Toronto, Ontario. (Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Watkins, S.L., S.K. Mincey, J.M. Vogt, R. Bergmann, and B.C. Fischer. 2013. A research design for evaluating the outcomes of neighborhood and nonprofit urban forestry. Workshop Colloquia presentation at The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, April 17, 2013, Bloomington, Indiana. Working Paper available (Presentation and Working Paper)
- Vogt, J.M., and S.L. Watkins. 2013. Modeling urban tree growth and survival as social-ecological systems. Association of SPEA Ph.D. Students Conference, March 29, 2013, Bloomington, Indiana. (Oral Presentation and Conference Paper)
- Vogt, J.M. 2013. Planted Tree Re-Inventory Protocol. Indiana Urban Forest Council Meeting, February 12, 2013, Bloomington, Indiana.
- Mincey, S.K., M. Schmitt-Harsh, M.S. Patterson, R. Thurau, T. Evans, and B.C. Fischer. 2012. The relative influence of homeowner attitudes and social institutions on residential urban forest structure. International Society of Arboriculture 2012 Annual International Conference and Trade Show, August 11-15, 2012, Portland, Oregon. (Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Vogt, J.M., S.K. Mincey, M. Patterson, and B.C. Fischer. 2012. Predicting urban tree success: Establishment, maintenance, growth and condition of neighborhood-initiated tree plantings. International Society of Arboriculture 2012 Annual International Conference and Trade Show, August 11-15, 2012, Portland, Oregon. (Oral Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Mincey, S.K., M. Schmitt-Harsh, M. Patterson, B.C. Fischer, and T. Evans. 2012. Analysis of private residential urban forest structure and management in Bloomington, Indiana: A social-ecological systems (SES) perspective. Life on Earth: Preserving, Utilizing and Sustaining our Ecosystems: 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, August 5-10, 2012, Portland, Oregon. (Oral Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Schmitt-Harsh, M., S.K. Mincey, M. Patterson, T. Evans, and B.C. Fischer. 2012. Carbon storage and ecosystem services of urban trees in Bloomington, Indiana as a function of development age. Life on Earth: Preserving, Utilizing and Sustaining our Ecosystems: 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, August 5-10, 2012, Portland, Oregon. (Oral Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Vogt, J.M., S.K. Mincey, and B.C. Fischer. 2012. Evaluating the biophysical and social results of Keep Indianapolis Beautiful’s urban tree plantings as a social-ecological system. Life on Earth: Preserving, Utilizing and Sustaining our Ecosystems: 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, August 5-10, 2012, Portland, Oregon. (Oral Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Vogt, J.M., M. Wilson, & J. Swilik. 2012. Engaging high school students in urban tree growth research. National Workshop on Public Participation in Scientific Research, August 3-4, 2012, Portland, Oregpm. (Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Mincey, S.K., M. Schmitt-Harsh, M. Patterson, B.C. Fischer, and T. Evans. 2012. Analysis of private urban forest management in Bloomington, Indiana: A social-ecological systems (SES) perspective. Disturbed Environments - Ecological Impact & Management: Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting, April 14-15, 2012, Blacksburg, Virginia. (Presentation)
- Vogt, J.M., S.K. Mincey, M. Patterson, and B.C. Fischer. 2012. Predicting urban tree success: Modeling tree growth in neighborhood-initiated tree plantings. Disturbed Environments - Ecological Impact & Management: Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting, April 14-15, 2012, Blacksburg, Virginia. (Poster Presentation)
- Vogt, J.M., S.K. Mincey, M. Patterson, and B.C. Fischer. 2012. Predicting survival, growth, and condition of community-planted street trees in Indianapolis, Indiana. Women in Science Research Conference 2012, March 9, 2012, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. (Poster Presentation)
- Vogt, J.M., S.K. Mincey, and B.C. Fischer. 2011. Establishment & Growth of Community-Planted Street Trees in Indianapolis, Indiana: Presentation of a Data Collection Methodology and Preliminary Results. Urban Tree Growth: An International Meeting & Research Symposium, September 12-13, 2011, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL. (Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Fischer, B.C., and S.K. Mincey. 2010. Characteristics of sustainable urban forest social-ecological systems: Analysis tools for the local level. 2010 Partners in Community Forestry National Conference, November 9-11, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Krause, R.M., S.K. Mincey, and J.M. Vogt. 2010. Tying Local Policy, Management, and Institutional Arrangements to Environmental Outcomes: The Role of Urban Forests in Municipal Sustainability Initiatives. Association for the Advancement of Public Policy and Management 2010 Conference, November 4-6, 2010, Boston, Massachussetts. (Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings; Awarded 2nd place in APPAM poster session)
- Thurau, R., S.K. Mincey, M. Schmitt-Harsh, and M.E. Cox. 2010. Spatial distribution and socio-economic contexts of urban tree canopy cover in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. The Urbanization and Global Environmental Change (UGEC) Conference, October 18, 2010, Tempe, Arizona. (Presentation)
- Mincey, S.K., L. Ahern, B.C. Fischer, and M. Widhelm. 2010. Planning sustainable urban forests for college campuses. The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 2010 Annual Conference, October 10-12, 2010, Denver, Colorado. (Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Mincey, S.K., B.C. Fischer, and S. Stewart. 2010. Managing urban forests as commons: Implications for sustainability. 86th International Society of Arboriculture Annual Conference & Trade Show, July 25-28, 2010, Navy Pier Convention Center, Chicago, Illinois. (Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Vogt, J.M., and B.C. Fischer. 2010. Tree City USA: A Potential Catalyst for Community Sustainability. 86thInternational Society of Arboriculture Annual Conference & Trade Show, July 24-27, 2010, Navy Pier Convention Center, Chicago, Illinois. (Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings)
- Fischer, B.C., and B.C. Steed. 2008. Street Trees: A Misunderstood Common Pool Resource. 84th International Society of Arboriculture Conference & Trade Show, July 25-28, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri. 18 pp. (Conference Proceedings)
- Mincey, S.K., and B.C. Fischer. 2008. Bloomington, Indiana and Indiana’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs: Partnering for the Urban Forest. International Society of Arboriculture Annual Conference & Trade Show, July 25-28, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri. (Poster and Conference Proceedings)
- Steed, B.C., and B.C. Fischer. 2008. Street Trees: Are They A Misunderstood Common Pool Resource? 12th Biennial International Association for the Study of the Commons Conference, July 14-18, 2008, Cheltenham, England. (Conference Proceedings)