Outreach Activities

Tree Campus USA and Campus Tree Plantings

Throughout Burney Fischer’s time at Indiana University, Fischer and individuals involved directly with BUFRG or through Fischer’s Urban Forest Management course have participated in numerous tree planting events on the Indiana University Campus. 2018 was a special year with two media stories in IU's Indiana Daily Student and Bloomington's Herald-Times  and a YouTube posting on how the students planted a street tree.The class tree planting was a feature in IU's Earth Week Programming.

They have also contributed to IU becoming a “Tree Campus USA.” Tree Campus USA is a designation by the Arbor Day Foundation, given to colleges and universities that meet the five standards specified by Arbor Day Foundation (see crimson section).

Read more about the Arbor Day’s Tree Campus USA program 


Tree Campus USA Standards

  1. Establish a Campus Tree Advisory Committee that represents university students, faculty, facilities management, as well as the community-at-large.
  2. Create a Campus Tree Care Plan that prescribes the care and management of trees on campus.
  3. Have a campus tree program with a dedicated annual budget for tree planting, management, and/or programming around trees.
  4. Have an Arbor Day celebration each year.
  5. Conduct some sort of yearly “service learning project” in service of trees on campus (for example: a tree inventory, internships with local urban forestry professionals, volunteer tree planting activities, etc.)